The only stroller you need if you live and travel the United States and Canada.
The best travel stroller. Problem is, you're not sure what makes a stroller travel friendly.
The best travel stroller is one that packs easily, doesn't weigh a ton, and has the features you need for traveling with your family.
Or maybe you haven't thought about a travel stroller? I didn't, until I tried to pack my luxury beast of a stroller into a fully loaded car. The final straw was trying to check the bug stroller and having to remove the wheels to make it fit in the giant gate check bag. Hard to do when you're balancing an 8-month-old on your arm.
I'm here to help. Keep reading for a detailed explanation of stroller types and what to look for when purchasing your travel stroller.
Stroller | Type | Weight | Fold Type | Suspension Quality | Seat Recline | Carry On | Suitable For | Best For |
Jogger style travel system | 22.5 lbs | One handed, Folds in half | Excellent | Yes | Gate Check | infant (with attachment) to 65 lbs | USA and Canada | |
Ultralightweight | 7.41 lbs | Upright umbrella | Very Good | Yes | Gate Check | 6 months to 55 lbs | Everyday, Any Travel | |
Ultralightweight | 10.7 lbs | Upright Umbrella | Good | Yes | Gate Check | 6 months to 55 lbs | Everyday, Any Travel | |
Umbrella | 9 lbs | Upright Umbrella | Good | No | Carry On | 6 months to 55 lbs | Fits under seat | |
Hybrid | 13 lbs | One handed folded into travel bag (included) | Good | Yes | Carry On | infant (with attachment) to 44 lbs | International fliers, carry on fanatics | |
Ultralightweight hybrid | 10 lbs | One handed, Folds in half | Good | Yes | Carry On | 6 months to 50 lbs (18 kg) | Everyday, Frequent Fliers | |
Umbrella | 11.8 lbs | One hand fold, upright storage | None | Yes | Gate Check | 6 months to 50 lbs | Everyday, light travel | |
Umbrella | 12 lbs | Quick fold, using hand and foot | Some | Yes | Gate Check | Birth to 50 lbs | Everyday, light travel |
What Do You Need In A Travel Stroller?
Airlines outside of the United States are strict about size and weight limits for strollers. Either abroad or at home, the best travel stroller is one that you can wheel right up to the gate and either carry-on or gate check on each flight. Carry on a stroller?! Yes, it's possible.
Travel inside the United States and Canada is more relaxed, but the best travel stroller is one that packs easily and offers all the extras you need.
As parents, we wrote this guide to finding the best travel stroller for your family so you won't get stuck in a busy airport struggling to break down or open up your seemed-like-a-good-idea stroller. (Been there, done that.)
Planning your first trip as a family? Getting ready to hit the road and see some sights? Flying for the holidays?
Then this best travel stroller guide will help you be prepared for your next trip, big or small.
A good travel stroller will be compact enough to fold up for traveling on planes, but also big enough to carry the baby, and belongings, comfortably. The travel stroller will usually measure out at around 15.5 x 11" x 42" and is suitable for children from 6 months of age until they weigh about 50 lbs (be sure to check individual stroller weight limits). You want your travel stroller to be light weight, as inevitably you’ll have to carry it while rushing through the airport or station to make your connection!
The Most Important Factor In Choosing Your Family's Best Travel Stroller
The most important element of your best travel stroller is not weight.
I know, I always thought it was. But, after owning a few and using lots more, we testers have found the most important factor is ease of use.
- How easy is it to open?
- How easy is it to close, especially when the basket is full of blankets and toys?
- How fast does it close?
- Does everything little thing fall out of it if you close the stroller in a hurry?
- Is it easy to carry up and down a flight of stairs?
- Can you maneuver the stroller in tight spaces, like grocery store aisles?
The Travel Stroller Fold
So many strollers out there that are a nightmare to fold up quickly. There’s nothing worse than reaching the front of the line and having to break down three pieces of a stroller, all while keeping an eye on your kids. Every day parents struggle with poorly constructed strollers that they got at a great price.
Shame about the quality, eh?
[Side note: Sometimes having an extra piece of a stroller is worth the effort. Having a car seat infant carrier attach to a stroller so that you can lift and go? Priceless.]
Air Travel
Individual airlines, like American, will allow you to bring your stroller all the way to the gate for your convenience. Other international airlines will require that you check the stroller as baggage when you first check in at the airport. Furthermore, being forced to bag check your stroller leaves you having to drag your kids about the airport, telling them “No you can’t have that” and “Come on we have to run!”
Not fun – for anyone.
3 Types of Strollers
With all this in mind, there are three major types of travel strollers to consider: The Jogger style, the Umbrella style, and the Ultra Lightweight strollers.
This guide will help you:
- determine what kind of travel stroller you need, and
- which stroller type suits your lifestyle best (at home and on the road)
- which is the best travel stroller for your family
Do I Need Two Strollers?
A runner is probably the only person who needs two strollers; one for jogging and one for daily use. Real jogging strollers are perfect for getting your run in with a baby, but they’re a lot bigger than traditional strollers, or the jogger-style hybrid. After all, you need something sturdy when jogging. One false move and you’ll flip the stroller and the baby with it.
If you’re a runner, grab a BOB 2016 Revolution FLEX Stroller, Black" to use for your run and keep reading for the best travel stroller and daily use hybrids.
If you're not a regular runner, I have good news for you. You do not need two strollers, one for travel and one for your daily life.
You just need one – the right one. Jogger or umbrella style for minimal travel or an ultra-lightweight stroller for more regular travel (including public transportation).
By buying the best travel stroller, you can easily have just one stroller for travel and life. There are some great models out there that combine sturdiness and agility with compactness. Something to think about when you’re making your first stroller purchase.
Pro Tip: The most clever combination for parents is a take-anywhere travel stroller plus a Baby Carrier We Recommend stashed nearby for those times when your little one needs to cuddle and you need to use your arms.
International Vs. USA/Canada Travel
You need to consider the kind of travel you’re doing. If you think you’ll be going international, you should opt for the widely accepted umbrella stroller style.
The umbrella stroller preference for international travel is almost purely down to the fact that airlines often don’t take too kindly to jogger-style strollers because they are perceived as too large, even if they’re not.
If you’re living in the United States or Canada, or if you’ve got a mix of urban, international, or rural travel, a travel friendly ultra-lightweight stroller is going to be perfect for you.
No Car? No Worries
Then again, if you’re doing this kind of travel, but have no car, you’ll want an ultra-light stroller. An ultra light stroller will make all that maneuvering you have to do at the subway station, airport, taxi ranks and wherever you might find yourself a lot easier.
Your Guide To Stroller Styles
Let’s dig deeper into the differences between the types of strollers. Read on and figure out which is best travel stroller for your traveling needs.
Ultra Lightweight Stroller Pros & Cons
Ultra Lightweight Strollers
A stroller purely intended for use on mostly smooth surfaces. Great to take on public transportation, the ultra lightweight stroller is a lean, mean, necessary machine.
Ultra lightweight Strollers: The Pros
The ultra lightweight stroller is what most parents turn to when portability is the greatest necessity. Minimalist and luxury-lovers love them, even if another stroller just for these occasions is a bit of luxury.
If you’ve got a minimalist, less-is-more outlook on things as a parent, an ultra lightweight stroller is a handy thing to have. And it may be all you need. The main benefit of the ultra lightweight travel stroller is obvious; you’ll pick it up, and you won’t even realize it. They weigh around 12 lbs. or less. That’s lighter than many purses, depending on where you are in the world.
Usually built on an umbrella style frame, they have an elegant and convenient one hand fold system. You can grab the stroller in the right place, pull, and it’ll be folded up in your hand with no fuss at all.
These babies are perfect for inner city dwellers. If you’ve got no time to mess about with breaking down a stroller in the city center, these are the ones for you. They fold up super easy. They’re light, and they are compact.
Ultra Lightweight Strollers: The Cons
As brilliantly as they’ve previously been described, ultra lightweight strollers have a couple of downsides. They’re going to cost you a little more than you’d like. As a primary stroller, you can forget about it. They won’t make a good stroller for everyday use unless you're a minimalist; they’re perfect for a secondary baby transporter, but you’ll need something sturdier for daily use. Ultra light strollers are no good on uneven terrain. A lightweight stroller sacrifices suspension for feather-like weight. The terrain is one of them. They’ll glide across even surfaces, but a charming cobblestone path is going to pose something of a threat to these lightweight vessels.
Umbrella Strollers Pros & Cons
Umbrella Strollers
The Pros
Umbrella strollers are light and easy to push around smooth, urban streets and quiet suburbs alike. They have the conventional four wheels, giving you a solid base.
McLaren Mark II facing off with the City Mini GT in Spain! The McLaren fit in more places but the City Mini could go anywhere (cobblestones, off-road, gravel paths)....

They’re great because they’re lightweight. The upright model will take up a small amount of space in front of you, making it easy to dodge past the hoards of people undoubtedly heading your way. They’re excellent in the city; when you’ve got smooth but narrow city streets, they’ll glide as if on ice. The thin frame won’t bother anyone in the crowded subways and bus terminals. And small shops won’t even notice as you swing between shopping aisles to pick up a few groceries with the stroller in tow.
They usually fold up pretty easily when you need to prop it up for a moment. Umbrella strollers stand up on their own with ease, like a walking stick in the corner. The no-tip factor means you can leave them aside for a bit when junior needs a moment in mama’s arms and makes them ideal for the airport.
Umbrella strollers make for a compact little item when you fold them up at check in; nobody wants to shuttle a large piece of excessive luggage through the airport. These babies will make for a lightweight extra that is a complete necessity if you’re traveling lots with tots.
When you’ve got plenty of standing around time, such as at the airport or bus terminal, it’s nice to be able just to fold it up and leave it aside until it’s needed again. Other passengers tend to hate when a stroller is taking up precious standing space. So with a lightweight umbrella stroller, you’ll avoid all those judgmental glances across the check-in aisle.
Umbrella Strollers: The Cons
The downside to umbrella strollers is that they can sometimes be harder to maneuver because they have four wheels; we all struggle with parallel parking with four wheels.
Well, it’s just as tricky with a stroller. Moreover, when you’ve got cobblestones, pavements, or even the beach, you’re talking a lot of wheel on some undesirable surfaces. Climbing curbs and small sets of stairs is tough to accomplish single-handedly.
Umbrella strollers can easily flip if you’re pushing them with enough force (which comes from the stress of being in a rush). Flipping a stroller in public is a hideous experience. Take it from me.
Umbrella strollers are single use, meant for smooth pavement and store floors. If you’re living rurally or often venture off the beaten path, you’ll struggle with the tougher terrain.
Another con is that they often require you to remove everything before folding it up. Many strollers have delightful little baskets to carry your shopping or juniors toys. Unfortunately, umbrella strollers often need you to remove this junk before you fold it up, which essentially renders them useless in many circumstances because you’ll have to move them to another holder in the interim.
Lastly, but not least important, is that your precious little angel will undoubtedly feel every little bump they pass over in an umbrella stroller. No suspension means that if you’ve worked hard to get them to sleep in the stroller, they may wake up, whining and screaming for the rest of the afternoon. So strollers come with a nice bit of suspension, but you’ll be paying a good deal extra for that luxury.
Bottom line is the best travel stroller is the one that works for your lifestyle and travel plans.
We recommend the Mountain Buggy Nano for frequent fliers who like to carry-on.
Jogger-Style Stroller Pros & Cons
Jogger-Style Stroller
The Pros
The most noticeable difference, in the appearance at least, between an umbrella and the jogger style stroller is that the jogger has a tripod look to it; it has three wheels instead of four. The tripod shape is far more than an aesthetic gimmick that you might think. By minimizing the number of wheels, you allow the stroller to glide over a wider variety of surfaces.
A jogger-style stroller can tackle gravel, sand, rough streets and curbs with ease. The single front wheel also offers far more maneuverability. You’ll be turning street corners like it’s nobody’s business. They’ll stare in awe and envy in equal measures. And you should smirk like you’ve never had reason to do so before. They’re stable. Due to their more stable base, they don’t flip like an umbrella.
They have bigger, thicker wheels. All-terrain wheels help out on undesirable terrains, and also lowers the center of gravity with the extra weight. An excellent jogger-style stroller is ergonomically designed for convenience, generally manifested as a one hand flip system. The design means you can burst into the supermarket and steer the stroller with one hand as you grab a shopping basket in the other.
Jogger-style strollers fold up to a nice size as well, so you can often stash them conveniently next to a restaurant table, hold on to them easily in one hand (the one we recommend!), or even rest it against the treadmill as you pursue your workout. What makes them exceptionally handy is that, due to their bigger frame, they have more storage space for your drink as you walk, your shopping in the supermarket, or your beach towels at the beach.
Your child is sure to enjoy the extra space. Jogger-style strollers are bigger, often longer and still narrow, thus offering the little fellow some extra space to stretch out. You could even shove a thicker blanket in to keep your child warmer in the colder months. He’ll thank you for it once he’s old enough to think about it. They even offer a little recline feature for the first class sleepy babes out there.
Jogger-style Strollers: The Cons
The downside to these strollers is that they’re larger than umbrella models. Much bigger. The jogger-style will take up more room in front of you than an umbrella style stroller, due to its three-wheel design, which spreads out from the pinnacle of the pusher. But, it will restrict your supermarket sweep, as well as your ability to please your fellow passengers on trains, subways and airport ques. They look massive to the untrained eye, which often causes a bit of a huff in airport staff. However, fold up the right jogger-style stroller, and you'll bask in the amazement of these pesky airport staff as they admire the compact design of your folded stroller.
The difference in strollers types is most noticeable to me when I travel with other mamas. It never fails that I have my jogger-style and the umbrella mamas are eyeing it enviously as we navigate over broken sidewalks and uneven pavement. But once we enter a cafe or small shop, the tables are turned. I’m the green-eyed monster now.
Don’t get me wrong. The jogger-style stroller fits my needs perfectly. No stroller is perfect. But with my lifestyle and travel habits, I’ll trade the occasional space issue for the freedom of being able to take the stroller over anything from smooth pavement to rocky trails.
There's only one jogger style stroller on the market right now that meets our requirements for travel. Good thing it is the one we use and love already!
Note the GT model includes adjustable handle and all-terrain, never flat wheels, while the 3W (or Single) does not.
Winner: Zoe ZL1 Deluxe
A popular brand many have never heard of!
- one-handed fold
- fits in many overhead bins on airplanes
- 9 pounds.... so lightweight yet sturdy!!!
- bargain for the price
The Zoe X1L is a bargain that you won't encounter elsewhere. It’s a fast and compact little stroller with a simple one-hand folding feature, making it the ideal stroller for anyone dashing through an airport or bus terminal. What’s best is that it will fit easily into most overhead storage compartments, including those of an airplane; hence it won’t be taken as extra baggage at check-in.
An incredible value and lightweight stroller. It weighs just 9lbs, which is significantly less than any of its competitors. Zoe is a trusted brand amongst stroller experts, and offers you a lifetime warranty and guarantee on the wheels.
Everyone Loves a Zoe
Features that junior might like are the cup holder and snack cup, tying in with the airline travel theme of this model. It has a large sunshade canopy with a magnetic peekaboo window so baby can watch the world go by, even when it’s raining. The 135-degree reclining seat adds great comfort for the little one, and this can sustain a massive 18kg for the heavier babies out there.
The five point harness means your child is totally secure and won’t crawl out when you’re busy.
Customers loved the great value of this stroller. At this price, you won’t find a better umbrella style stroller on the market. The only complaint we’ll mention, of which there were very few, was that it wasn’t broad enough to fit two babies. But since this is a single stroller, it’s not a complaint worth taking seriously. But we bring it to your attention, in case you were planning to stuff two kids in one stroller (hint: not a good idea).
Overall, this is a brilliant lightweight umbrella stroller at a budget price that won’t disappoint.
Best Budget: Kolcraft Cloud Plus
Budget-minded travel pros love this brand!
If your budget is tight, this is the best travel stroller for your money.
- extra-large canopy
- multiple seat positions
- BEST pricing
- five-point harness
- travel-friendly
The Kolcraft Cloud Plus is a travel-friendly stroller with a convenient three-tier extended canopy for maximum UV coverage to keep baby’s skin safe. It offers you multiple positions on the seat, and the child is secured with a five-point harness.
Major drawbacks are it cannot stand on its own when folded and the suspension is non-existent. Upsides are it's very light and not expensive. The coolest feature is the padding rolls up to let more air in one hot summer days.
It will hold a child of up to 50 pounds and has a convenient one-hand folding system for quick and easy storage. On top of that, it will stand alone, so you can have it close at hand when waiting in terminal queues.
Users loved how the two storage areas; one for you and one for the child’s toys. You can even stow your groceries or additional bags safely beneath the child’s seat. There are also two cup holders for families on the go. The canopy is large, and UV protected with a little peekaboo window for your child to watch the world.
Customers loved that this was a ideal stroller for day trips and light traveling.
The compact folding design makes it easy to put away and get out quickly when on the move. The main complaint about this stroller, of which there were very few, was that it’s not very adjustable regarding the incline. Some customers suggested that it’s great until their child is old enough to sit upright. However, it does have a reclining seat, which puts any doubts about this stroller to bed, along with your child.
Best Stroller for North America: Baby Jogger City Mini GT
Hands down, our top pick if you travel mostly inside the USA and Canada. Everyone who has one loves it.
Editor's note: I own one and love that I can go ANYWHERE with this stroller. It's the most expensive of the bunch, but the return on investment has been excellent. The City Mini GT can go from cafe to sidewalk to hike...I know, we've done all that in a day with no problem! If you never know what you'll be up to next, this is the stroller for you.
All-terrain tires, adjustable handle, and one-handed fold...oh, my!
- one-handed, flip fold (folds in half)
- easy to stash behind your restaurant chair
- easy to carry one-handed
For the busy, fast-paced lifestyle of the always on-the-go, the Baby Jogger City Mini GT is perfectly and ergonomically designed with a one-handed flip fold system. The one-handed fold makes it so easy to get up and out, and out of the way, quickly, as compared to a stroller you have to break down into pieces. Road trips, airports, public transportation – you name it, this stroller can handle it.
Stroll into a crowded restaurant for a spot of lunch in the city, and you’ll undoubtedly want to stash your stroller away. This one will fold up, with one hand, of course, into a compact stroller that will sit at the side of the table until you need it again. It’s a sturdy stroller for all terrains; whether you’re going over the gravel from the front door or across the sands on the beach, this stroller will get you there without any hassle.
2 Ways to Save Major $$$
1. You can often save major bucks by buying a previous year's stroller model on Add your favorite stroller to your Amazon cart, but be sure to do a quick search for a less expensive model by adding the year to the stroller name in the search box (eg. "2016 City Mini")
2. Prefer malls to nature trails? Save some major cash by purchasing the City Mini Single, which lacks the all-terrain wheels. It's lighter than the all-terrain City Mini GT.
What's the catch?
While there's ample space for storage, it takes up space in front of you. The sturdiness of the stroller does compromise the frame of the stroller, meaning you take up a bit of more space on the sidewalk or train station platform. The extra width is minimal, but the extra length can make it frustrating for long-term urban living or extended international travel. But the maneuverability, quick fold, and it's ability to serve as your primary stroller make it our top pick.
The only other downside is the weight, although I own one and this has never been an issue. It’s the heaviest on this list, but the design of this stroller more than makes up for this small issue. It folds in half so you can pick it up and carry with one-armed ease. I can grab it one-handed to go up and down steps, or onto public transportation. It folds down very small!
It’s the only stroller you’ll ever need, with attachments for infant carseats and more.
Customers love this stroller for the one-hand close design, and it's always an Amazon bestseller. The one-handed closure makes it easy to adjust to your surroundings in a quick moment. Also, the City Mini GT handlbar adjusts for the tallest mom or dad.
Best International Stroller: MacLaren Mark II
Consistently a #1 Buy (for good reason)
Light as air with tons of features!
- travel friendly
- long-time quality stroller brand
- everything is adjustable; grows with your child
The MacLaren Mark II is an ultra-lightweight umbrella style stroller, which is perfect for the fast pace of the any city. It’s well made, consistently ranking a #1 buy on, and it offers your baby all the luxuries of a grand design stroller. It is the Lamborghini of strollers, without the many hundreds of dollars extra it costs for a luxury stroller.
The great upright frame of this one makes for easy movement through busy streets, and the quick fold system means you can pull junior out in one arm and grab the stroller in the other when you get to the top of the queue at the terminal of the airport.
These features make this a suitable stroller for international use. The umbrella model is a better stroller to have if space is an issue in your life. The downside to this model is that it doesn’t have suspension, meaning it won’t glide like other strollers, generally the three-wheel types, over treacherous terrains like sand or cobblestone.
The lack of suspension is apparent on all umbrella strollers; but not on this one. The MacLaren offers a four-wheel suspension system, and the difference is noticeable.
As Good As a Three-Wheeler?
No umbrella stroller will offer the smooth ride of three-wheeler jogging type strollers, but this comes the closest. Also be aware that it does not provide the lie-flat recline feature like the City Mini does, so baby will have to settle for the view as it is, rather than cloud gazing.
Customers who have bought the Maclaren Mark II stroller loved the lightweight frame and how compact it was, making it perfect for dashing through airports and subway stations. The only complaint that reoccurred was that it’s not great for going over curbs in the city due to the lack of suspension. However, the ease of folding it up and carrying it in one hand makes up for this.
Best Luxury Lightweight Stroller: UPPAbaby G-Lite
Meet ultralight luxury!
- luxury brand
- mesh panels perfect for warm weather
- ultra-lightweight
- 5-point harness
- large canopy
Another brilliant design, this ultra lightweight stroller is perfect for the city. Weighing at just over 10lbs, the UPPAbaby G-Lite is a seriously light, easy to move stroller.
It removes the added weight of a seat by replacing it with a new mesh sling seat, which offers some extra breathability and comfort as if the baby’s sitting in a comfy hammock on the Caribbean coast instead of the busy streets of New York City.
It has an easy-open canopy that has a height adjustment feature, meaning you can shelter baby from rain and scary things, depending on their size. This extendable SPF 50+ sunshade canopy is also removable, making it perfect for the sunny summer months when junior wants to touch up his tan.
There're lots of additional and removable storage mesh nets of this stroller, so you can stash the grocery shopping safely when on the move. Customers loved the durability and versatility of this stroller. Being able to adjust the canopy makes it useful in all weather types.
The only complaint people had about this stroller was that you couldn't fold it with one hand. It has a safety latch that requires two hands to fold. However, this safety feature ensures that no accidents occur when you’re out and about.
Best Luxury: UPPAbaby G-Luxe
When brand name luxury is a must, the UPPAbaby delivers.
- ultra luxury
- works with babies from 3+ months
- lightweight
- 5-point harness
The UPPAbaby G-Luxe is the G-Lite on steroids. It's an umbrella style stroller suited to 3-month-old babies and up to the weight limit of 55lbs (one of the highest thresholds). It’s super safe with a five-point harness, so it acts like a quality seat belt for when you bump into those hidden burbs when you’re exploring the city.
So Many Options
It’s comfortable, with three recline positions, so you can adjust the position of the baby depending on how they’re feeling. If it’s time for a nap, recline the seat accordingly and watch them doze off. If they’re keen on the view, prop them up to a comfortable position to take it all in. The additional seat positions are convenient to adjust and can be achieved with just one hand, making it easy to do on the move, or quickly through the store or airport terminal.
The adjustable footrest is also a convenient feature for you, the pusher of this stroller. It’s great that your child is comfortable, but you need some comfort too, and this stroller gives it to you. The lightweight aluminum frame is sturdy but also light; an ideal stroller for the past pace of the city.
There’s a one step break that you can tap with your foot to ensure the stroller doesn’t roll downhill while you're chatting, such as at the grocery store or your favorite newsstand.
An Outstanding Stroller
You can also lock the front wheels for some added stability on the train. The stain and water resistant material of the stroller mean it is suitable for all weather types and won’t lose its fresh look with baby puke or milk stains, as many strollers do. It also has a removable SPF 50+ easy open canopy for when the sun’s shining.
One of the standout features of the UPPAbaby G-Luxe is the Easy Carry Shoulder strap, for when you’re running short on time or space. Just fold it up and toss it over your shoulder and away you go.
Customers loved the all round ease of using this stroller. It folds with hand-level folding triggers with no foot action required and stands on its own. The lightweight frame makes all this even easier. The only complaint was that it doesn’t have a belly bar, which some customers are used to. However, this isn’t necessary when you’ve got a quality harness to secure your child.
Some customers suggested that it was a little out of their price range but quickly mentioned that it’s a worthwhile investment and one that won’t give you any trouble or need replacing.
Overall, an excellent buy and a luxury brand name.
Best For Frequent Fliers and Small Spaces: Mountain Buggy Nano
Without a doubt, the Mountain Buggy Nano is the upright, umbrella style stroller on the market. It's more than that, thought. This travel stroller is meant for travel.
The Mountain Buggy Nano - folds into it's own carry-on bag!
- carry-on for flights
- folds into its own carry bag
- lightweight
- sturdy
- infant seat ready
With a carrying case, it breaks down and folds up for easy checking at the airport (gate or luggage). Yes, you have to take the wheels off. But if you're looking for a compact stroller that won't airport officials won't hassle you about, it's this one.
What’s unique about this stroller is it’s infant car seat ready, meaning you can go from stroller to car in one easy step; no need to buy additional adapters or pull them from one to the other. It’s exceptionally compact, unlike many three-wheelers. It’s just 22 inches wide and weighs a mere 13 pounds. It comes with a handy travel bag and shoulder strap, demonstrating just how light it is.
It’s got a simple two-step compact fold to meet the regulations of all airline carry-on luggage, which is what customers most liked. It’s hard to find a stroller that you can get on the plane as carry-on luggage, but this one manages it. The only complaint we found was that the wheels could tend to lock on their own. This could be annoying when strolling and suddenly the wheels lock. However, with proper care, you won’t have any issues like this with this brilliant stroller.
Best Travel Stroller For The Frequent Flyer
We strongly recommend this all-in-stroller stroller as your best travel stroller if you’re a frequent flyer.
It's a travel stroller that's great for life, too. With a useful one-hand fold design, it's easy to open up or shut down and stash on a train or plane. The lightweight aluminum frame makes it easy to carry but also very sturdy.
Often there’s simply not enough space to push a stroller, so having one that easily folds up and is light enough to carry is a major plus in any model of strollers.
The click and go system of this stroller also makes it useful for a quick connection to an infant car seat. Britax also makes infant car seats so get one of those if you’re on the lookout for one.
It has a three-wheel configuration with front swivel wheel, making it agile enough to dodge through hoards of bustling people. Conveniently, it has a great under-seat storage facility and an additional zippered pocket to fit all your essentials.
Customers were especially impressed by how easy to use this stroller is. Jogger-style strollers can be bulky and awkward to use, but this one makes it a simple task of folding and storing. The lack of a footrest got on the nerves of one or two customers, but the overall convenience of this stroller adequately makes up for any disgruntlement.
A best travel stroller for a quality price.
Best Value: Summer Infant 3D Convenience Lite Stroller
The Summer Infant 3D Lite Convenience Stroller is brilliant travel stroller for summer trips. As an umbrella travel stroller, it’s a useful model for getting your young ones about the rush of an airport or train station.
2017 Update: Check out the Summer Infant 3D Flip stroller! This is the one we'd buy if you have a child under 18 months of age.
- lightweight
- excellent value
- aluminum frame
Made from a super durable aluminum frame that weighs just 12 pounds with a large seating area for when the kids get a little bigger. The seat will secure your child with a durable five point safety harness. With four seating positions, can you recline the seat back to adjust for your baby’s comfort.
Maybe most importantly, the anti-shock wheels make for a smooth and comfortable ride, which is perfect for when the baby’s dozing. Add an adjustable and removable canopy will shield them from excessive sunlight and rain alike, with a little window. Adjustable, extra large storage basket gives you some space to store both you and your child’s things when you’re on the move.
It has been updated to have a simple compact folding system and a carry strap to transport it when your child isn’t riding. An auto lock system ensures you won’t have an awkwardly unfolding stroller on your hands as you rush through the airport.
Customers loved the durability of this stroller. The aluminum frame ensures it’s one that will stand the test of time.
The Summer Infant 3D Lite is a value-priced stroller for getting about quickly and conveniently.
What's Your Stroller Type?
You've got two different frame types: the umbrella stroller and the jogger style stroller. The jogger style has three wheels instead of the conventional four, which makes the jogger travel stroller easier to maneuver. But wait! The four-wheeled umbrella strollers take up less space.
So much to consider.
Think about your traveling needs.
Are you a:
Freedom Loving Explorer Are you an active parent, who includes her kids in parts of her exercise and daily routines? Are you just as likely to be found on a nature trail or pushing the stroller through a garden as you are in the grocery store?
Urban Parent: Or, are you busy jetting off to exotic places, with the kids along for the ride? Do you find yourself most often in small, urban restaurants and shops, and not at the beach?
International Jet-Setter: Do you regularly plans trips outside of the United States and Canada? Do you know how to travel light and hate checking luggage? There's a stroller for that!
Luxe Lover: You value brand names and quality construction. You don't mind investing in a piece that people will notice. Your just as likely to be at a resort as you are shopping 5th Avenue.
Or maybe you’re a combination?!
The Best Travel Strollers
You've read a lot information about strollers. It’s a pretty subjective decision to make, and there is no right or wrong answer as to which particular model you choose to purchase.
The first thing is what style, as discussed above.
Consider your lifestyle. We can't stress this enough.
- If you use public transportation when you travel, an ultralight umbrella stroller or the City Mini jogger-style stroller is ideal.
- For use at home and when traveling, an umbrella-style stroller or the City Mini are good mixed-use solutions.
- For frequent fliers who like to carry-on only, the Mountain Buggy Nano is a hybrid that stows in an overhead bin!!
- For the budget-minded, the Kolcraft Cloud Plus or the Zoe XL1 Deluxe offer the biggest bang for your buck.
- If cost is the primary concern, the Summer Infant Convenience 3D Lite stroller is best...but check the Kolcraft Cloud Plus first, as it's often on sale!!!
There are some bad choices you can make when choosing a stroller within a given category. There are hundreds of poorly made, poorly designed strollers out there. Luckily for you, we’ve compiled a list of the best umbrella strollers, jogger-style strollers, and even a few ultra lightweight strollers for you to check out.
You can take our word for it; we’ve gone through thousands of strollers to pick these as our top picks. With experience and dedication on our side, you won’t find a better list.
Travel Stroller Comparison Chart
Finding the best travel stroller should be a little easier now. If you do travel mainly travel inside the USA and Canada, and like to explore cities and nature trails, stick to the City Mini Gt Elite (or save some cash and buy the standard-wheeled City Mini Single). International travelers, choose the the Mountain Buggy Nano, MacLaren, or Zoe. If luxury is a must, go with with the UPPAbaby or City Mini.
At the end of a trip, the best travel stroller is the one you didn't think twice about.