Parenting Writers: Get Paid and Published Starting NOW

A step-by-step guide that takes the guesswork (and finger crossing) out of getting paid and published for your parenting writing:
- Parenting Writers Only. The parenting niche is a unique one. Learn what editors really want and how to satisfy your creativity without giving up your voice.
- Get Editors Excited. Learn how to structure and prepare your writing - from concept to submission - so the editors of great websites are jumping to hit 'Publish'. Never be ignored again.
- Get Paid. A list of authority parenting websites that pay and publish guest submissions is included, categorized by writing style. Never submit a great piece to the wrong site again.
Why Wait? BYB Listeners, grab the first-release copy when it's ready and receive a special offer on the members-only Parent Published Community when it launches:

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Ashley rocks! She provided me with tips and tricks to get publications like The Huffington Post to pay attention to my work! If you are willing to put in the effort Ashley guides you from the beginning of the thought process through to promotion...If you are just starting out writing and need to connect with publications to get your work out there, Ashley knows the ins and outs of major publications. Follow her advice and you are sure to get your work noticed.
BYB Listeners: Download the spreadsheets Ashley mentions using in the interview. >>
In the Book, You Will Discover:
Formulated specifically for parenting writers, this book focuses on dividing your writer-self into three separate parts: The Creator, The Writer, and The Editor. This 3-part method takes your great idea from an idea in the clouds to words on paper...that editors want to publish.
So many great ideas, so little time. Editors are busy people – and so are you. Learn the tricks used by the pros and edit your own work prior to submission. Your acceptance rate will skyrocket, editors will love you, and the paychecks are nice, too.
Whether your goal is to share your insights, earn an income, or both, never submit your great writing to the wrong site again. Even the best piece will be rejected if it's not a good fit for the website's audience. A resource list of parenting websites that pay are categorized by writing style. Never wonder if your piece is a good fit again.
Epic fails, massive wins, and everything in between. Case studies of rejections from popular sites, so you can see what went wrong. Bonus resources include links to FREE and low-cost apps that help you edit your work for the online world.

About the Author: Ashley Trexler
An award-winning writer and blog founder, Ashley went from being unknown and unpublished to having her first parenting piece accepted by The Washington Post. She's gone on to be published online, in print, and interviewed worldwide – all in less than two years. And now she's taken her extensive training and success in content marketing and writing and combined all the tips, tricks, and techniques into one e-book. Mentored by some of the top online writers and editors in the world, Ashley's step-by-step guide for going from concept to submission is unique, easy to follow, and based on her training and experience in the online parenting world.
What People Are Saying

I wrote an extremely personal essay and was having trouble getting it published...I started searching for parenting websites that might be interested. I found Ashley's website and got the kindest rejection letter. She said she refused to publish my essay because it was so strong and powerful that it needed a bigger audience. Imagine?...[she] told me to change my title to fit with the heart of the essay and then suggested about 5 different sites that would be appropriate. One was the Washington Post, which I had previously submitted the piece to and not heard from. I rewrote it with her suggestions and focused on my pitch. It worked. Just about every single site she suggested wanted the piece! I chose the Washington Post and it ended up being one of their "most read pieces" that day. It was picked up by the Chicago Tribune a few days later! All it took was a little tweaking and the kindness of a stranger. I have since been in The New York Times, Seattle Times and once again in the Washington Post. In part thanks to Ashley.

The Published Parent Community is opening soon. Interested in learning more?
Get Paid. Get Published. Guaranteed.
So many Facebook groups, so little time. Which is why we're launching The Published Parent Community, a member-only site for parents who love writing and want to be published and paid.
Featuring Post-mortem Post Analysis with site editors (aka why your piece was rejected), case studies, free resources, templates, trackers, and expert advice. No Facebook group required.
Sign up below for the site launch notification and receive a special deal - $14.99/month instead of $19.99/month. We guarantee to see your work paid and published or your money back.
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